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Worship at First Lutheran


   At First Lutheran, worship services are held every Sunday morning. During the months of February through July, worship is at 11:00 AM; August through January, worship is at 9:00 AM.

    We begin by invoking the triune God and generally follow the ancient pattern of liturgy with prayer, confession, forgiveness, singing, scripture reading, preaching, and weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper (Communion). Through all of this, we seek to point to Jesus Christ and His Good News for us - unpacking the gift of His incarnation, death, and resurrection for our lives and for our world.

    During the seasons of Advent (the four weeks before Christmas) and Lent (the six weeks before Easter), we offer special times and spaces for contemplation, worship, and fellowship on Wednesdays.


What should I wear?

    There is no dress code at First Lutheran. Dress up, dress casual – no matter how you dress, you will be welcome.


How long is the service?

    Worship length will change according to the day, but generally it lasts about an hour.


Can I take Communion (The Lord’s Supper)?

    The table is the Lord’s, and all are welcome! In this meal, you receive forgiveness and grace through the gift of Jesus’ body and blood. This eating and drinking is a regular part of the Christian life, initiated and grounded in Baptism.

We have set up online giving for your regular offerings or special gifts. The new "Give" button will take you to a secure online giving site that is approved by the ELCA

Weekly Blessings 
As children of God, we work together as we walk in Christian faith. One way we do this is by sharing our abundance with others. Three Sundays of every month we send blessings into the world.
• The
 Second Sunday of each month prayer shawls are blessed.
• The
Third Sunday of each month food for the food shelf is collected and blessed before being donated to the local food shelf. We pray for those who receive the food so that they may be nourished in body and spirit.
• The
Fourth Sunday of each month is a Noisy Offering. The monies collected are sent to those in need of relief from natural disasters, or to aid the welfare of others and change monthly. The offering goes to help people locally, in our state or country, and globally. 


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