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Education For All Ages

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We believe the Christian life is one of continuing conversation, learning, growth, and engagement with God and one another. Education is offered to encourage, nurture, and equip you to further that conversation. We understand that doubt and wrestling are part of the journey of faith, and seek to make safe space where life and faith can be honestly engaged. 

Opportunities For Fellowship and Worship

Weekly Sunday Adult Education:

Sunday Adult Classes are held September through May in the Fellowship Hall


Wednesday Bible School

Wednesday Bible School is held after school for children in grades 4 through 6 from 3:00 - 5:15 PM during the school year.


Lunch Bunch:

Lunch Bunch gathers at a local restaurant on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 11:30 AM.
For the
Summer of 2022, the group is gathering for a picnic at the park next to the Sanders County Fairgrounds.


We have set up online giving for your regular offerings or special gifts. The new "Give" button will take you to a secure online giving site that is approved by the ELCA

Coffee & Scripture:

Bring a cup of coffee or tea and join in the conversation for the Scriptures for the coming Sunday every Monday morning at 10:00 AM. The weekly announcements will list the readings that will be discussed.


Women's Study:

The Women's Study group meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 11:30 AM. Bring a sack lunch and come for the study and fellowship.


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